Reply #2 Posted at Thu Sep 23 13:44:26 2004
Sigh,It's over now... at 12 noon CST, everyone's lifeline to the universe of Earth and Beyond was lost.Demal, my main alt, logged off while avenging his fallen Shinwa brothers who were slain by the insectoid alien race known as the V'rix.Unbeknownest to his brethren, Demal was a collaborator with these foes as well as the Shinwa's other adversaries, the Red Dragons. He sought to make the best of his life, and he found that through befriending all he could (except the Dzurai, they deserve no mercy).But seeing the end of everything was nigh, and given new strength from the Gods (uber weapon and shield drops from the Devs :P ). Demal found his calling, and so went out, not with a sigh or whimper, but with forceful resolute defiance.Pheona did one last trade job run from Valkyrie Twins to Detention Center Omocron. She will miss the tranquility of watching the endless voids of space pass by her thingypit window for hours on end.Indigofera farted around the Orsini Mining Platform making some reactors and Catspaws for people and then Demal assumes, went out with a bang drinking heavily with the other space pilots in the station lounge. "You'll never get another free wormhole out of me!" she blustered out. Of course, taken out of context... ;PInterestingly enough, the Gods were favorable to her more than Demal, ending up with more Shield Capacity than him. I guess they took pity on her... And so it ends, Farewell Earth and Beyond...SCREW YOU EA GAMES!

1 comment:
Hey where is everyone? I been in both the stress test for the Emulator and have to say they are doing one heck of a job. Hope to see some of you there for the 3rd one.
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